Sunday, 7 July 2013

7th July

Ok so you are all under burning sun and clear blue skies but I bet you would all like it to be a bit cooler really? A bit like here a pleasant 20c. The wind has dropped after 2 days of blowing gusts of 40mph. This , of course, stopped the ferry and without that no buses but meant that we had a couple of days to explore.

On Friday we went to Ullapool for the day and went to Tesco, our nearest supermarket just the 2 hours away, and got some supplies in for ourselves, Stuart & James. We were warned not to let it be known that we are going there or you become the delivery service for the village. Whilst there we distributed some leaflets for James at the Tourist Information and local hotels advertising the bus service. The mountain scenery between here and Ullapool is stunning and well worth a visit.

Yesterday we did our Lawrence of Arabia bit crossing the sand dunes with sand getting in our hair, ears, mouths and eyes. Sun was shining and out of the wind it was quite warm.

Today it was calm, bright and warm, the ferry was running and I had just the 2 trips to the Cape. The first busload was packed with oversea visitors so my commentary was being translated into several languages. Strange experience hearing people laugh at a joke then after a babble there was more laughter, they were probably telling their pals that they were lucky not to be able to understand English!! Worst of all was the Scot translating me into Scottish.

On the last journey of the day I saw a guy who had cycled from Cape Cornwall to Cape Wrath and talking to him I recognised the Brummie twang and it turned out he lives about 5 miles from where I used to live and I used to work about 300yds from where he worked. Spooky or what and whats more we knew the same people. All this in 50000 acres of wilderness. Does this say something about people from Solihull? It turns out he cycles this route every year as well. Is it me???

Jo has been walking the coast and is fast becoming a bit of a Nick Crane. This morning I fell down a sand dune this morning in a most ungainly fashion causing much mirth from the aforementioned stiffled by concern.

Weather  forecast set fair for the next few days so plenty of driving ahead. Hurrah.


1 comment:

  1. Nooooo! We'll stick with the hot weather thanks :-)
    Watch out for those sand dunes! BOING BOING
